All of our presented codes are easily inserted into your WordPress Website.
For general codes that have to be added to functions.php
Add the provided code via a designated plugin like WPCode or Code Snippets. Add a new Snippet, and insert the provided code. Hit save and activate them.
For Plugins
Download the provided .zip File, go to your Dashboard and select Plugins > Add new Plugin. Upload the provided .zip File and activate the Plugin, when asked to.
For Must Use-Plugins (mu-plugins)
Donwload the provided .zip File and extract it. Use your preferred FTP Client, like WinSCP or FileZilla.
Within your FTP Client go to your Home Directory > wp-content > mu-plugins.
Upload the provided PHP File, thats within your downloaded ZIP, and add it (without the folder) to the mu-plugins directory. You don’t need to activate it, it’s automatically enabled.