Category: Designs

  • Hero Banner inspired by Boosteroid

    Hero Banner inspired by Boosteroid

    We we’re looking at Cloud Gaming Services and found a Hero Banner that looks absolutely stunning. We found it on Boosteroid and have made something inspired by it. See the Pen Hero Banner with overlapping PNG by Nico Pahl (@gooloonetwork) on CodePen. This comprises of three components. JavaScript to close the Hero Banner, CSS, and…

  • Add a full-width container looking like a Facebook Page Header

    Add a full-width container looking like a Facebook Page Header

    Hi! For an ad campaign we were looking for a clean, easy-to-use container that looks something like Facebook’s Header on public pages. To use this, you can view the CodePen or scroll down for further details. See the Pen Facebook Page Header Design by Nico Pahl (@gooloonetwork) on CodePen. First, we need to place the…